The Estate

Wine growing estate is perched on top of the hills in the village of Yens, in the Morges district.

From atop its hill, our village overlooks the Lake Geneva basin. The village enjoys an unrivaled view of the entire Lake Geneva and the Alps.

Our vineyard spreads over 10 hectares, and is a member of the “Vins de Morges” league, which is enlisted in the AOC denomination “La Côte”.

Our “semi-high” vines are planted with an environmental concern, according to the principles and norms of “integrated production”, and following the “Vinatura” specification.

All our wines are produced on our own estate. They are bottled and aged in our cellars. They all qualify for the “Grand Cru” label which certifies the origin and quality of the grapes. From cultivation to bottling, all the steps are carried out on the estate.

Cellar open every day upon a simple call (to ensure that someone is present at the Estate). Closed on Sunday.
Tasting every Saturday, from 10 am to 1 pm.
Reception capacity: 40 seats
For all information and deadlines : contactez-nous

Our Story

The estate was taken over in the 1950s by Mr. Henri Coeytaux. He managed it until 1974.

From 1974, it was his two sons, Henri and Jean-Claude Coeytaux, who took over the operation of the estate until 1995. During these 20 years, a lot of work and modifications were made both in terms of the estate (parcel restructuring) and the building itself.

Indeed, our house is an old building dating from 1597.

The first winemaking and bottling at the estate took place in 1988, according to the wishes and vision of Jean-Daniel Coeytaux, son of Jean-Claude Coeytaux.

It was in 1994 that Jean-Daniel Coeytaux took over the agricultural (20 ha) and viticultural (6 ha) operations.

From 1995, Jean-Daniel, along with his wife Sylvie, developed the winemaking and cellaring of the production at the estate. From the vine to the sale of the bottles, all stages are carried out at the estate.